Mar 31, 2016 | Antelope Valley, Antelope Valley Real Estate, Buy A Home, Home Prices, Homeownership, REMAX All-Pro
What a splendid dilemma! You’ve received several offers on your property. Which one should you choose? It’s not always the highest one. Here are just some of the areas your agent could ask you to pay particularly close attention to as you’re weighing...
Nov 6, 2015 | Antelope Valley, Antelope Valley Real Estate, Buy A Home
Surveys show that first-time buyers aren’t aware of how much they need to save for a down payment. Many people believe that buying a home requires they put down at least 20 percent of the purchase price, but down payments aren’t as big of an obstacle as people think....
Aug 17, 2013 | Antelope Valley, Antelope Valley Real Estate, Home Technology & Tips, Homeownership, Housing, Lancaster Real Estate, Palmdale Real Estate, REMAX All-Pro
Here are some helpful (and colorful!) stats, guidelines and cost-saving ideas for making your home more eco-friendly. With the extreme temperatures in the Antelope Valley these tips are especially helpful.
Sep 6, 2012 | Antelope Valley Real Estate, Avoid Foreclosure, Buy A Home, Cheyanne Terracciano, Home Technology & Tips, Homeownership, Keep My Home, Keny Terracciano, Lancaster Real Estate, REMAX All-Pro |
RE/MAX All-Pro Presents Real Estate Tips from Investopedia 800.336.3629 Bringing families Home Serving the Entire Antelope Valley Since 1990 7 Smart Steps Every New Homeowner Should Take Turning the key in a lock that no landlord has access to, reading in a hammock...
Jul 23, 2012 | Antelope Valley Real Estate, Buy A Home, Home Prices, Homeownership, Keep My Home, Lancaster Real Estate, REMAX All-Pro, Short Sales |
Buying Homes in the Antelope Valley; Palmdale/Lancaster Real Estate Have you noticed how some “housing experts” say that demand is “overwhelmed by supply” while others throw out estimates of an “excess supply” of over three million homes? Yet, buyers keep saying how...